Diet for Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis and other Colon Diseases ~ Diet For Diverticulitis

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Diet for Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis and other Colon Diseases

Do You Know What To Eat 
and What To Avoid?

Are you or someone you know currently on any kind of diet for Diet For Diverticulitis or diverticulosis? What about for Crohns disease, a spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Are you or do you know someone who is currently suffering from some colon or digestive disorder? Are you on any kind of diet to prevent colon diseases or to treat colon disease symptoms? Do you know how to diet for divertulosis or Diet For Diverticulitis ? Do you know how to diet for a normally functioning digestive system?

Maybe you know what to eat and maybe you don't, but a diet for diverticulitis or diverticulosis takes will power to stay on it. Achieving and maintaining a healthy diet for people with properly functioning digestive systems is difficult enough, what do you think it is like for people who diet for diverticulitis, diverticulosis, Crohns disease, colon diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, barretts esophagus, spastic colon, twisted colon, leaky gut, indigestion, or whipples disease?

Whether you are a person looking for a diet for diverticulitis, a diet for another health concern, or a diet for a generally healthy person, people fall into 5 categories of eaters:

1. They know what to eat, they do it, and result is good health

2. They know what to eat, they do not do it, obtaining unhealthy results

3. They think they know what to eat, they do it, obtaining unhealthy results

4. They do not know what to eat, wander from diet tip to diet tip, yo-yo dieting, obtaining unhealthy results

5. They don't care, eat whatever they want, obtaining unhealthy results

The scary part is, most people fall under categories 2 through 5, achieving what? ...unhealthy results! What category best describes your eating habits? Are you satisfied with your category? 

Do you want to move to category 1? The answer is here!

It's not surprising that people are confused about what to do for dieting, due to the fact that there are so many "reputable" sources for what you should eat and what you should avoid. Is there a "perfect" diet, even Diet For Diverticulitis? Well, there are things you can do and things to avoid. But mostly, it can vary from person to person. One size does not fit all! Try the eating challenge to see what works best for you.

DIET FOR DIVERTICULITIS: Two-Week Eating Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? Think you eat plenty of fiber in your regular diet? Here is the challenge:

Don't change your diet. Don't plan anything different than what you normally do. Keep track of everything you eat every day for a week. At the end of each day, count how many grams of fiber you received. You will be surprised. Now for the easy part, right? During the second week, plan out your meals so that you can maximize the amount of fiber you get every day. You may find that it is easy to identify foods that are high in fiber. 

However, it can be difficult to eat that much fiber each and every day. Did you average 12-18 grams a day like most Americans? Congratulations! You are getting between 40 and 60 percent of the fiber you are supposed to get on a daily basis. Do you think that lack of fiber compounds over the weeks, months and years? Absolutely.

Because it is difficult to get the right amount of fiber each and every day, many people supplement their diet with a high fiber nutrient drink. You should too!

Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet may reduce symptoms of Diet For Diverticulitis and prevent complications such as diverticulitis. Fiber keeps stool soft and lowers pressure inside the colon so that bowel contents can move through easily. The American Dietetic Association recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day. Some medical professionals think that number should be closer to 50 grams daily. How many grams of fiber do you get? Are you putting yourself at risk for the major diseases in America today? 

If you are looking for the best way to increase the fiber you get in your diet, use a high fiber nutrient drink that contains a matrix of fibers, not just a single type of fiber. Researchers at Stanford University made a discovery that resulted in a great high fiber nutrient drink that became the flagship product of Rexall. The drink is called BiosLife2. Taken twice a day, you are adding 9 grams of fiber into your diet. Most people drink it twice a day, but some drink it 3-4 times a day, depending on how much fiber they want and how much fiber they get from foods they eat daily. Include Bioslife2 in your Diet for Diverticulitis.


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